
Ways to Learn New Thigs

Ways to Learn New Thigs

14 March, 2022

These may be not new for you, but when I want to learn a new programming language or another side of development, I always want to do a…

Game Dev Experience

Game Dev Experience

13 March, 2022

So as you know I'm a Web Dev by profession, but I started learning Game Dev in Unity last week! After 4 days I have achieved making the…

Solving Form submission canceled error when submitting in Formik

Solving Form submission canceled error when submitting in Formik

10 February, 2021

Long time since I last posted here. I just want to share a problem I had when using a form inside a modal, and the button doesn't want to…

How to select multiple images in Cordova / Phonegap

How to select multiple images in Cordova / Phonegap

12 July, 2019

My current job allows me to develop mobile apps -- using Cordova. I came to a blocker when I needed to allow users to select multiple images…

Uploading images with AWS Amplify and File Pond

Uploading images with AWS Amplify and File Pond

19 March, 2019

I love AWS Amplify, it makes all things cloud based development easier. In this tutorial, I will teach you how to use Cognito (Amplify Auth…

You will never be ready, start now

You will never be ready, start now

18 March, 2019

You will always not be ready, so start now. Finished college? But you lack skills, people come to you for help, but you back out because you…